StartAt <- Sys.time()
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knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.keep = "all" ) # library(tidyr) # library(dplyr) library(hyperSpec) # library(NMF) # library(ggthemes) library(xtable) # library(GGally) # library(corrplot) library(pander) library(spHelper) library(spPlot) library(knitrContainer) library(rpart) library(randomForest) library(caret) library(rattle) library(rfPermute) library(e1071) library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(7) registerDoParallel(cl) corrMethod <- "spearman"
# load('2016-01-08.RData') # load('2016-01-08 (nRuns = 40).RData') # load("TD_2009 (3)komp.RData") # load("TD_2009 (3)komp.RData") load("D:/Dokumentai/R/Spektroskopija/TD_2009/Data/NMF 3 komp (outl).RData")
# Set random seed. Don't remove this line. set.seed(123) # k - number of folds k = 3 # Initialize the accs vector accs <- rep(0, k) # Indices for training set # indeksai cross-validacijai # AMP_obj <- scoresPCAALS AMP_obj <- scoresNMF # AMP_obj <- AMP_obj[AMP_obj$gr!= "S",,] AMP_obj$gr <- droplevels(AMP_obj$gr) # AMP_obj$Safranin <- as.factor(AMP_obj$Safranin) # # levels(AMP_obj$Safranin) <- c("0-1","0-1","2-3","2-3") AMP_obj2 <- AMP_obj; # AMP_obj2$gr <- factor(AMP_obj2$Safranin) # data("Spectra2") # AMP_obj2 <- Spectra2 test_ind <- createFoldsBS(AMP_obj2$.., ID = "ID", gr = "gr", k = k, returnTrain = FALSE) # i = 1 # # conf = vector("list", k) conf2 = vector("list", k)
fitControl <- trainControl( ## 10-fold CV method = "cv", # method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, ## repeated n times repeats = 5, p = 0.75, # training percentage verboseIter = FALSE, returnData = TRUE, returnResamp = "all", #"final", # classProbs = TRUE, # savePredictions = FALSE, selectionFunction = "best", # search = "grid", # # preProcOptions = list(thresh = 0.95, ICAcomp = 3, k = 5), # sampling = NULL, # the type of additional sampling that is conducted after resampling (usually to resolve class imbalances) # index = NULL, # a list with elements for each resampling # # iteration. Each list element is a vector of integers # # corresponding to the rows used for training at # # that iteration. # indexOut = NULL, # indexFinal = NULL, # predictionBounds = rep(FALSE, 2), # seeds = NA, # adaptive = list(min = 5, alpha = 0.05, # method = "gls", complete = TRUE), trim = FALSE, allowParallel = TRUE )
REZ <- knitrContainer() for (i in 1:k) { REZ %<>% add_as_heading3(paste("Results of Fold", i)) # Exclude them from the train set training <- AMP_obj[-test_ind[[i]],] # Include them in the test set test <- AMP_obj[test_ind[[i]],] # ========================================================================= # Create Classification Model: Random Forests # ========================================================================= # A model is learned using each training set set.seed(1) # trained_RF <- train(gr ~ spc + Boos + Safranin + coll_1 + coll_2 + coll_oth, trained_RF <- train(gr ~ Safranin + coll_oth, data = training, metric = "Kappa", # preProcess = c("center", "scale"), method = 'parRF', importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE, ntree = 1e2, tuneGrid = data.frame(mtry = 1:3), trControl = fitControl ) REZ %<>% add_as_data(trained_RF) REZ %<>% add_as_is(tryCatch(ggplot(trained_RF)+ggLims(c(0,1)), error = function(cond)return(NULL)) ) REZ %<>% add_as_code(trained_RF) REZ %<>% add_as_code(predictors(trained_RF)) REZ %<>% add_as_cmd(tryCatch(varImpPlot(trained_RF$finalModel, main = "Variable Importance Plot"), error = function(cond)return(NULL))) REZ %<>% add_as_pander(importance(trained_RF$finalModel)) # Make a prediction on the test set using randomForest pred <- predict(trained_RF, test) # Assign the confusion matrix to conf # conf <- table(test$gr, pred) conf <- table(test$gr, pred) # pander(conf) # print(confusionMatrix(test$gr, pred)) REZ %<>% add_as_code(confusionMatrix(test$gr, pred)) # Assign the accuracy of this model to the ith index in accs accs[i] <- sum(diag(conf))/sum(conf) # Add horizintal rule REZ %<>% add_as_text("***") }
Average Kappa = r mean(accs)
# Print out the mean of accs pander(data.frame(Fold = factor(c(1:k, 'vidutinis')), Tikslumas = c(accs,mean(accs))))
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